Profesi NERS
Biaya Kuliah Prodi
Rp. 7.225.000,-
Biaya kuliah per semester
Jalur Reguler
Rp. 7.225.000,-
Biaya kuliah per semester
Jalur Alih Jenjang/Ekstensi
Program length
2 Semester
Jalur Reguler
Tidak Tersedia
Jalur Alih Jenjang/ Ekstensi
Rp. 4.250.000,-
Biaya Pengembangan PT
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Ketua Program Studi
Mengenai Program Studi
In the near future I believe the field of health science is becoming an increasingly necessary scientific context. Health sciences, especially Nursing, is seen as one of the contextual health sciences and is able to answer the community's needs for health. So that Prodi Keperawatan & Profesi NERS are seen as important study programs in universities, especially at the Inkes Sumut. For that, there are great hopes for students and lecturers to continue to make achievements and work together in building this study program in a sustainable manner. Improved achievement can be carved by increasing positive realisation in the Tri Dharma of higher education, namely Teaching, Research, and Community Service. The quality assurance of the study program can be carried out if students and lecturers can embrace each other to provide positive things for the progress of the Prodi Keperawatan & Profesi NERS. In this case, it requires an active attitude from students and lecturers to be able to continue to be productive.