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Image by Adrien Olichon

Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat

Biaya Kuliah Prodi

Rp. 8.500.000,-

Biaya kuliah per semester

Jalur Reguler

Tidak Tersedia

Biaya kuliah per semester

Jalur Alih Jenjang/Ekstensi

Program length

4 Semester

Jalur Reguler

Tidak Tersedia

Jalur Alih Jenjang/ Ekstensi

Rp. 4.250.000,-

Biaya Pengembangan PT

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Ketua Program Studi

Paul Sirait

Mr. Sirait has been a lecturer almost of his life, he committed his life to educate the younger generation so that the youth could be well educated and make the our nation stronger at the same time

Mengenai Program Studi

The Magister Kesehatan Masyarakat (MKM) Program is the only post graduate program in Inkes Sumut for now.

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